Enter a fraction to convert it into percentage form, including mixed fractions.
To convert a fraction to a percentage, you either expand it to a base of 100 (i.e., make the denominator 100) or convert it to a decimal and then multiply by 100. For fractions with whole numbers, first convert the integer and the fraction separately, then add them together. Follow these steps to convert a fraction to a percentage:
The fraction \(\frac{a}{b}\) is converted to a decimal by calculating \(a \div b\).
Multiply the resulting decimal by 100 to get the percentage.
For mixed fractions, convert the integer part to a percentage first, then add it to the percentage obtained from the fraction part.
1. Convert the fraction to a decimal:
\( 3 \div 4 = 0.75\)
2. Multiply by 100:
\( 0.75 \times 100 = 75\)
Result: \(\frac{3}{4} = 75\%\).
1. Convert the integer part to a percentage:
\(2\) becomes \(200\%\).
2. Convert the fraction part to a decimal and multiply by 100:
\( 1 \div 5 = 0.2\)
\( 0.2 \times 100 = 20\%\)
3. Add the results:
\( 200\% + 20\% = 220\%\)
Result: \(2\frac{1}{5} = 220\%\).
Convert the fraction to a decimal and multiply by 100:
\( 5 \div 8 = 0.625\)
\( 0.625 \times 100 = 62.5\)
Result: \(\frac{5}{8} = 62.5\%\).